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Showing posts with label Contest. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Contest. Show all posts

Rahasia Kecantikan Di Balik Panggung Catwalk


Kontes kecantikan telah berlangsung puluhan tahun dan setiap tahunnya kontes ini dibikin semakin besar dan meriah. Pesertanya pun semakin banyak dan semakin cantik.

Di balik kecantikan wajah dan keindahan tubuh yang dimiliki setiap kontestan, ternyata mereka melakukan usaha yang keras untuk bisa tampil seperti itu. Usaha keras yang dimaksud bukan berarti mahal, namun Anda akan terkejut jika mengetahui apa yang dilakukan kontestan agar terlihat cantik. Berikut ini rahasia dari balik panggung kecantikan, seperti yang dikutip dari carefair.

Belahan dada
Baik saat menggunakan pakaian renang atau gaun malam, para kontestan terlihat memamerkan dadanya yang berisi. Sebagian dari mereka ada yang melakukan implant, sisanya melakukan usaha lainnya agar terlihat berisi sementara.

Pembesaran payudara secara temporer ini biasanya dilakukan dengan memasukkan gel implant. Gel yang juga disebut sebagai 'chicken filets' karena bentuknya yang mirip ayam filets ini sangat mudah diaplikasikan dengan menyelipkan pada bra atau pakaian renang.

Cara lain yang digunakan untuk membuat dada lebih berisi adalah dengan menggunakan plester. Caranya dengan melilitkan plester di bagian bawah payudara beberapa lapis, sehingga lapisan plester menahan payudara seperti menggunakan push up bra.

Jarang sekali peserta kontes kecantikan menggunakan rambut aslinya dalam kontes. Kebanyakan mereka menggunakan rambut palsu, mulai dari hair extentions hingga wig. Mereka melakukan ini untuk membuat rambut lebih bervolume dan lebih panjang.

Lem Bokong
Jangan terkejut, lem untuk bokong memang ada. Biasanya lem ini digunakan saat menggunakan pakaian renang. Penggunaan ini bertujuan untuk menghindari pakaian renang mereka naik ke atas saat di panggung.

Untuk mendapatkan senyum yang sempurna, para kontestan biasanya melakukan pemutihan gigi. Terlalu lama tersenyum bisa membuat bibir lengket dengan gigi, oleh karena itu mereka menggunakan sedikit petroleum jelly untuk mencegah hal tersebut dan untuk membuat gigi tampak mengkilap.

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Inilah Foto Topless Miss Universe 2010


trinidad & tobago_final.jpgOn the heels of the racy Miss U.S.A. lingerie photos, which displayed the pageant contestants dressed up in bras, panties, fishnets and stilettos while writhing on beds and giving the cameras their best smoky-eyeliner come-hither stares, Donald Trump has outdone himself.

This time, several Miss Universe contestants -- including good ol' Miss U.S.A. -- have opted to go topless for an official photo campaign, wearing only bikini bottoms and body paint.

"You know that saying, 'Bad publicity is good publicity?' It's going to be good," Miss Trinidad & Tobago, LaToya Woods, tells Access Hollywood.The women were not required to remove their tops, and several chose to keep their breasts covered by their swimsuits. Woods, pictured above, went for the bare look.

"We were all asked what we feel comfortable with and I told them that I feel comfortable with beauty, Rima Fakih, also known as Miss U.S.A., says. She opted to take her top off but turn her back to the camera. "I'm Arab, I'm Muslim, and I didn't want to disappoint many people," she says.

And to think, in New Zealand, women are stripped of their crowns if they dye their hair.

This particular stunt may have backfired. We're so used to the Miss Universe contest having one "shocking" event after another that we're almost bored by these photos. This may be the least interesting pageant scandal we've seen yet.

Next year, if they really want to blow our minds, all the beauty queens should remain fully dressed, politically correct, and articulate. Now that would be a shock.

albania&ireland.jpgMiss Albania & Miss Ireland

copy.jpgMiss U.S.A.

guatemala&mexico.jpgMiss Guatemala & Miss Mexico

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Photo Credit: Miss Universe


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Gadis Cantik Meksiko 22 Tahun Menjadi Miss Universe 2010


A 22-year-old Mexico woman won the Miss Universe pageant Monday night after donning a flowing red gown and telling an audience it's important to teach kids family values.
© AP
Jimena Navarrete of Guadalajara was first contestant to answer an interview question onstage and the last of 83 standing in the headline-grabbing pageant on the Las Vegas Strip. "I want to give my parents a big hug," she said at a news conference after the pageant. "There was a lot of effort and a lot of sacrifice."
© AP
The train of her single-strap dress floated behind her like a sheet as she walked during the evening gown competition. Before that, she smiled in a violet bikini as she confidently strutted across the stage.
© AP
Asked by Olympic gold-medal figure skater Evan Lysacek how she felt about unsupervised Internet use, Navarrete said the Internet is important but parents need to be careful and watch over their kids.
© AP

With fans in some 190 countries watching on television and keeping tabs on social networks, Navarrete and her competitors introduced themselves while wearing over-the-top national costumes. They then danced in silver and black dresses for the show's opening number before the top 15 finalists were announced.
© AP


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41 Sexy Girl Hero Costumes Contest


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